
Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017

traditional of aceh house

Rumah Aceh or commonly called Rumoh Aceh is a traditional house of Aceh located in the province of Aceh or formerly called Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. The capital is in Banda Aceh. This province is one of the special areas due to the enactment of Islamic Shariah in the daily life of its people. It is located at the westernmost tip of Sumatra Island and Negara Indonesia.

Traditional houses of Aceh are classified into 3 types namely, Rumoh Aceh, Rumoh Santeut and Rangkang. But what many people know is rumoh aceh so that Rumoh Aceh is characteristic of traditional house of Aceh. Rumoh Aceh has the highest pole compared to the other two houses, but has the same function with Rumoh Santeut that is as a residence. While Rangkang has the same height with Rumoh Santeut but has a function as a meeting hall or kaji.

Rumoh Aceh in Aceh language is a traditional house of Aceh in the form of a stage house with a rectangular house plan and positioned from east to west so as not difficult to determine the direction of Qiblah while the front facing north-south. One characteristic of this Aceh rumoh is the pillars of a very high support house, which is about 2.5-3 meters. Building area is at least 200 m2 with a floor-to-floor height of up to 8 m. Although it has a large size one of the greatness rumoh aceh this is the construction that only use the ropes of fibers, pegs and wedge with the main material wood, planks and leaves of rumbia for the roof. But to this day this aceh house still stands erect after built more than 200 years. The following is a replica of aceh house in TMII.

The use of materials derived from nature is a manifestation of respect and utilization of aceh citizens to the abundant natural resources around and the form of gratitude to Allah SWT. Because for the people of Aceh about building a house is not simple because its construction is like building a life so it needs a custom ceremony that must be met before starting the development process.

The ceremony is through three stages. The first stage is the traditional ceremony held at the time of the building materials from the forest. The second stage is the traditional ceremony when will begin the development process, where the date taken is decided by Teungku (local ulama). While the last stage of the traditional ceremony is done after the house has been completed or at the time the house will be inhabited. The process of development was through the process of musyawarah with the family, input from Teungku and its development done by mutual cooperation. This is what causes the creation of harmony in a social environment that goes straight with customs.

Custom house is identical with typical carving motifs scattered throughout the house. Similarly, rumoh aceh. The shape of the carving is symmetrical, rhombus, cross-line and calligraphy on the tulak angen. Generally the engravings of the holy verses of the Qur'an, Flora in the form of all the parts of flowers and others, fauna, and nature

So much of the uniqueness that is in the house of aceh, including with the roof of his house. The roof of a house in aceh house is not permanent or easy to be removed because it is only connected using a fibers rope. This is done considering the basic material of the roof is leaf rumbia or leaves enau vulnerable to burn. To reduce the propagation of the flame the rope of the fibers can be cut and the roof can be removed.

The roof form at rumoh aceh is a roof with rabong or tampong one which is placed above the center space stretched from the left to the right and the roof is placed in the front and back of the house. The main ingredient of the roof is the leaf of rumbia or sometimes using the leaves of enau. This leaf is tied with a thin rattan split or commonly called pijeut eye. While the main material of the roof bone is the split bamboo stem.

The window of aceh house was tiny-tiny, with size 0.6x1 m. Usually the window is placed on the west wall and east of the rumoh inong and rumoh anjoeng and two windows are in the front of the house. This window is only found in rumoh aceh that has a wall made of board.

The main material of the floor in rumoh aceh is a board and sometimes uses wood enau. In addition, there are also bamboo used to make gas (battens), floor mats, beuleubah (place menyemat roof), and others. One of the uniqueness of the floor on rumoh aceh is the existence of gap or gap between boards about 1cm. This gap is a place to waste dirt on the floor of the house when swept.

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